Western Hotel
899 Fremont Street
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
Barrick Gaming Corporation
A Little About Western Hotel
Located a few blocks down Fremont Street from El Cortez (not in the good direction), the Western Hotel is a certifiable dump. The posted room rate is $16 per night. The clientele is a sketchy bunch, includng drug addicts, winos, and homeless people with gambling addictions. I bought this chip off of eBay from a Vegas local. To quote his listing for the chip:
THIS IS PROBABLY THE SLIMIEST and SLEAZIEST SECTION OF DOWNTOWN LAS VEGAS - two winos tried to bum money off me between the parking lot and the front door. If you think I exaggerate, walk there from Fitzgeralds - if you make it all the way the the El Cortez I'll be serious surprised. Frankly, I was scared to get out of my car (I have a slammed Celica) because I fully anticipated having a pistol shoved in my back or stomach by some young punk who would want to steal my chains (and wallet, watch, bracelets, etc., etc.)
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